The victories of Obama and Huckabee at the Iowa caucus may delude mainstream media outlets to believe that they are about to butt heads. But let’s cut the kerfuffle and get down to brass tacks; this is really a stand-off between Oprah Winfry and Chuck Norris. Who gets the brass ring? Let’s wheel out the wave pool and see which one floats.
Phones answer to him.
Eats phones and wheels out the excrement onstage for audiences to marvel at.
Recycles bottles and cans with his forehead and takes whatever deposit he deems fit.
Recycles the same book of the month all year round.
Buys a falafel sandwich, dumps out the falafel, leaves “Norris droppings” in the falafel and sends it in a Christmas stocking wrapped in bacon to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Kissed Ahmadinejad when he chewed bacon for her and spit it in her mouth.
Literally kills at comedy clubs when he reads Neil Simon out loud.
Literally cries in public when she imagines Obama whistling Paul Simon to himself
Retrofitted his F18 so the seat is now a marble toilet
Just gave free F18s with marble toilets to her audience
Norris. You know there is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live. Got my vote.
I vote Oprah. Chuck Norris isn't going to give me a free car or Baked Lays.
Oprah ftw.
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