If you just touched a toilet seat with fluorescent-colored ectoplasm, you might want to add the “How Old Are You Know” remix.

What's happening now is that every now and again, I sing "Happy Birthday" out loud while washing my hands, which draws many a puzzled look in my direction.
That said, fight staph today by wishing Giulia Rozzi a happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Giulia Rozzi
Happy birthday to you
How old are you know
How old are you know
How old are you know
How old are you know
Happy birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You look like a gorilla
And yo mamma does too
Happy birthday to you
Staph might just kill you
Wash your hands every time
You go to the loo
Also, singing "Happy Birthday" during sex prevents chlamydia.
If you sing it in all the right places
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