Friday, July 14, 2006

Funny in a Transcendent Way

(courtesy of Jeff Clark)

Bill Burr. He's not too hip to lose the cringe humor fans, not too mookish for the alternative comedy scene (Aziz Ansari invited him to Crash Test). Here's his blog post on Hot Chick bios on MySpace.

Maybe it's a little old, but it seems fresh. Though it has a misogynystic tinge to it, it's the truth. These bios give hot chicks a bad name. I don't doubt there are meatheads who are this dumb too. But two things that turn me off on MySpace are bad HTML design and ditzy bios. Well said, Bill Burr.


Cibbuano said...

I've gotten to the point where I just won't look at MySpace pages anymore... between the terrible design and the invasive music that plays while I'm listening to my own music...

Mo Diggs said...
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bgeorge77 said...
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Mo Diggs said...
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