Monday, October 02, 2006

Remembrance of Videos Past #29: Lita Ford, "Kiss Me Deadly"

All this week I will put up the most delectable, ozone-depleting hair metal from the 80s and 90s. Each day I will look at a subgenre.

Today' subgenre: Glam Girl Metal

Believe it or not, men weren't the only ones who had poofy hair and make-up in the '80s. Sure, you worshipped Kim Gordon, Kim Deal and all those indie kims. But that Lita Ford poster you ordered from that ad in Hit Parader in 1989 has finally arrived.

Lita Ford was in the proto-metal-punk-riot grrl band The Runaways. In the '80's she tried her hand at solo hair metal. Yes we had Vixen as well, but Lita, besides her punk pedigree, did a duet with fucking Ozzy Osbourne. Still question how harcore she is? When asked to appear on the Surreal Life, she declined. Even Public Enemy members succumb to the allure of Celebreality.

I first saw the "Kiss Me Deadly" video the same day I was later rushed to the hospital for an almost ruptured appendix (sometime in October when I was 12). When I came home from the hospital, this video was on all the time. I was turned off when she said she got high in the song, but I still liked the song, even if the ice blocks were a little over the top.

BONUS: The Runaways


sammyray said...

The song is mildly retarded and pretty clumsily written, but man - that woman sure can dance like a stripper!!

Cibbuano said...

I never liked her music, but I used to have pre-pubescent fantasies about her!

Mo Diggs said...

So no one likes the tune huh?

It ain't no big thing.