Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Remembrance of Videos Past #16: Kiss, "Let's Put the 'X' in 'Sex'"

In 1988, when this video was on heavy rotation on MTV, I was twelve years old and knew very little about sex. After hearing this song, which is about a mystery woman who wants to have a tryst with Paul Stanley without leaving a photo of her face or a phone number (a "screwdunit," as they say in the biz), I felt even more clueless. Besides the confusing though intriguing plot, such non sequiturs as "Love's like a muscle and you make me want to flex" baffled me even further. But after our hero pulls off that "x" power move with his arms enough times, he cracks the case. SPOILER ALERT: The climax is perhaps the most bewildering part. "Then I saw those black lace panties and I knew that it was you?" Are black lace panties hard to come by?

Nowadays I know that mystery sex exists only in KISS videos and Stanley Kubrick movies. But I have no doubt that Paul Stanley and company will know more about sex than I ever will.

(courtesy of myssikay)